For use in an oil burner/diffuser/humidifier. Place a few drops of essential oil mixed with water in the well of your burner. Alternatively put on a handkerchief and inhale. Mix with carrier oil or cream and apply in massage or place a few drops in a hot bath.


Essential oils should not be applied directly to the skin: always dilute in a base oil. Do not ingest. Store out of reach of children and pets. Do not use essential oils when pregnant without first consulting your doctor or medical practioner.

In the event of eye contact rinse thoroughly, if reaction occurs seek medical attention. If ingested seek medical attention immediately. Avoid contact with polished surfaces. 

Always follow specific instructions. Apply this product to a small area on your forearm to test for allergic reaction 24 hours before use. If reaction occurs discontinue use immediately and consult your doctor.



Origin: One of the oldest of herbs with origins rooted in three of the most ancient civilisations. Greek nobles would use the oil in both baths and massage, Egyptians used it in fragrance offerings to the gods and in embalming, in India it was believed to offer protection to the soul. The Basil plant takes its name from the Greek word for a King “basileum”, probably because the plant was so highly prized it was considered a King among plants.
It also had various popular names such as “Joy-of-the-mountains” or “Boy’s Joy”. It can grow up to three feet high and has small white flowers although the oil is steam distilled from the green leaves. The plant grows wild all over the Mediterranean and many other parts of Europe although it is originally native to Asia. The main producers are Morocco, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil and Indonesia.


  • Clarifying effect on the brain
  • Assists with mental fatigue. 
  • Helps with tired, tight & overworked muscles.


Origin: Named after the city of Bergamo in Italy, where the oil was first traded. The Italians have used Bergamot in their folk remedies for generations primarily for treating fever and worms. Since recent research in Italy it has been discovered to have many more properties.
The Bergamot tree is of the citrus variety and it’s closest relative is the orange tree. The oil is expressed from the fresh peel of the fruit which is smaller than an orange and ripens to yellow. Although Bergamot is native to tropical Asia it is now cultivated in southern Italy and more recently in the Ivory Coast.


  •  Traditionally used to ease emotional anxiety & grief.  
  • Antiseptic properties for skin problems such as acne & oily skin.
  • It is an anti-depressant and can boost enthusiasm & reduce apathy.


    Origin: It has been used in Chinese medicine for over 4000 years to treat malaria, cholera, diarrhoea and other digestive problems. Like many spices it was highly prized and Attila the Hun is reputed to have demanded 3,000 lbs of pepper as part of the ransom for the city of Rome. In Greece it is still used to fortify the stomach. The mendicant monks of India found a few grains of pepper a day gives them remarkable endurance enabling them to walk great distances.
    The plant is a perennial woody climbing vine with heart-shaped leaves and small white flowers.

    The berries turn from red to black as they mature and the dried un-ripened berries become the peppercorns. The oil is produced by steam distillation from the crushed peppercorns.


    • High concentration of phytochemicals known for antioxidant properties. 
    • Highly effective in easing muscle soreness, stiffness & fatigue.
    • Can be used as an inhalant to help alleviate the symptoms of catarrh.



      Origin: This oil belongs to the same family as Teatree and Niaouli It is held in high regard in the East and gets its name from the Malaysian “caju-puti” meaning white tree because of its white bark.
      The tree grows 98 ft high and has thick pointed leaves and white flowers and the predominant quality shared by the Myrtacae family is the ability to combat and sometimes prevent infection.


      • Treatment of pains, bruising, sprains, rheumatism & inflammation. 
      • Used to treat skin conditions such as acne, burns, cuts, insect bites and oily skin. 
      • Inhaled to combat catarrh, blocked nasal passages & sinuses.


        Origin: The camphor tree can grow up to 35 metres and camphor is found in every part of the tree. As a native of Taiwan, China and Japan the tree can often grow as old as a thousand years.

        To produce the oil it must be at least 50 years old. Camphor was well known as a remedy against the plague in Persia, now Iran. It was also used in embalming. The Chinese used Camphor wood to build ships and temples because of the woods durable and aromatic properties. Camphor oil is extracted by steam from the chipped wood, root stumps and branches.


        • Soothes muscle, joint & back aches.
        • Provides a cooling sensation which contributes to pain relief.
        • Useful as a steam inhalation to combat the effects of coughs, colds & chesty problems


        Origin: One origin for this oil is obtained from the Atlas Cedar which is closely related to the biblical Cedar of Lebanon. Its therapeutic properties have been recognized since antiquity and it was used through ancient civilisations in medicine, cosmetics and perfumery.
        It was used by the Egyptians for embalming. It is still used today in Tibet as an incense. Another type of Cedarwood was used by the Native Americans and is grown from a coniferous, slow growing evergreen tree with a majestic stature.

        • Has been used for centuries as a remedy for anxiety & depression
        • Active components including "terpenes" are so small that they are good as an ingredient in a steam inhalation for catarrh conditions. 
        • It has antiseptic properties and is good as a mild astringent in skin care.

          Chamomile Roman

          Origin: Chamomile has been in use in the Mediterranean region for thousands of years, used extensively by the Egyptians, Moors and Saxons. The Egyptians considered it a sacred flower and dedicated it to the Sun god and used it in ritual ceremonies to stop fits and fevers. The Saxons made it one of their “nine sacred herbs” which they called Maythen and used it to heal other plants.

          A native of southern and western Europe, it is a small herb with a hairy branched stem. It has feathery pinnate leaves and produces daisy-like white flowers larger than those found in German Chamomile (from which herbal tea is made). The essential oil comes from the flower heads by a process of steam distillation. A very useful and versatile oil. Do not, however, confuse it with Chamomile Maroc which does not have anything like the same properties. It is noted for its anti-inflammatory and sedative properties.
          • Chamomile is a relaxant, depressing the central nervous system and assisting with sleep.
          • Reduce anxiety while not disrupting normal performance or function.
          • Known for its soothing effects it can be applied to bug bites and help with redness itching & irritation.


          Origin: Cinnamon has been used for thousands of years in the East for a variety of complaints and is traditionally associated with use as a cooking spice. It is produced by a tropical evergreen tree which grows up to 15 metres high with strong branches and thick bark. It has shiny green, leathery leaves and small white flowers. 


          • Source of manganese, a mineral essential to sexual health with reputed aphrodisiac effects.
          • Warming properties help increase blood flow & raise body temperature enabling it to act as sexual stimulant.  
          • Warming properties assist with poor circulation, aches & rheumatism.  


          Origin: Citronella originated in Sri Lanka and was widely used in China as traditional medicine for rheumatic pain. It was widely used in many cultures for a variety of purposes even keeping animals away from certain areas. Citronella oil is obtained from a scented grass that grows wild and cultivated in tropical areas.


          • Widely used as an insect repellent. 
          • Effective in garden preparations as a deterrent for cats. 

            Clary Sage

            Origin: First used in the Middle Ages when this herb was considered to be petty much a cure-all. Medieval authors called the herb Clear Eye and attributed it to the property of healing all kinds of eye disorders. It was used for digestive disorders, kidney disease, uterine and menstrual complaints.

            The mucilage from the seeds was used for treating tumours and for removing dust particles from the eyes. The herb is a stout perennial which grows up to a metre high with large hairy leaves, it produces small blue flowers. The oil is extracted from these leaves and flowers by steam distillation. The oil is usually a pale yellow-green liquid with a distinctive sweet, nutty scent.


            • Induces feelings of calmness & reputed to reduce stress hormone cortisol.
            • Treats many skin complaints such as acne, inflamed conditions, boils, oily skin & dandruff. 
            • Useful in combatting high blood pressure and muscular aches & pains. 

              Clove Bud

              Origin: Clove has been extensively used as a domestic spice. It belongs to the botanical family of Myrtaceae which make it a “cousin” to Eucalyptus. Clove has been used for many thousands of years for the prevention of contagious illnesses especially the plague. It was recorded that when Dutch settlers cut down all the Clove trees in Ternate the area was swept by wave after wave of
              epidemics which had never happened before.

              Cloves have been stuck into oranges and used as pomanders especially in winter and is extensively used by the food industry as a flavouring.

              • Helps manage anxious energy & enhance concentration.
              • Cleanses abrasions & manages pain.
              • Warming, stimulating scent reputed to be an aphrodisiac.
              • Supports healthy respiration & digestion. 
              • Works safely to deter wasps.


              Origin: Cypress is a common feature of the Mediterranean landscape. It became familiar to people through the paintings of Cezanne and Van Gogh. It was a tree that was associated with cemeteries as the Egyptians and Romans dedicated the tree to their gods of death and the underworld. Because of the evergreen nature of the tree it was also a symbol of life after death. The Tibetans used cypress as purification incense. Cypress can also be found in many male products such as aftershaves.

              • Natural anti-bacterial deodorizer, working to eliminate foot odour.  
              • Tonic for the circulatory system aiding nervous disorders.
              • Helps to alleviate excessive sweating.
              • Used as an inhalant to aid in the symptoms of asthma & spasmodic coughing.  


              Origin: There are about 300 varieties of Eucalyptus. Most of the
              essential oil originates in Australia in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales which are so called because of the extraordinary blue haze that exudes from the resin of the eucalyptus gum and envelopes the entire landscape. It is not difficult to see how in such an aromatic environment, the qualities of this ancient and noble tree would be difficult to over-look.

              Eucalyptus oil is grown on a beautiful, tall, evergreen tree which grows up to 90 metres high. The young tree has bluish-green oval leaves, while the mature tree develops long, narrow, yellowish leaves, creamy-white flowers and a smooth, pale grey bark often covered in a white powder. The oil is steam distilled from the fresh or partially dried leaves and young twigs.
              • Warming oil which is reputed to reduce the discomfort caused by conditions such as fibrositis, rheumatism & arthritis. 
              • Decongestant inhalation for coughs & colds.
              • Treatment of burns, blisters & skin infections
              • Renowned for its antiseptic properties providing relief for shingles when applied as a diluted massage oil.


              Origin: Frankincense (also known Olibanum) and Myrrh are thought to be the first tree resins used as incense by the ancient Egyptians.  It was used as an incense in India, China, the West and by the Catholic Church. Frankincense was  burned to clear the air in sick rooms and during religious ceremonies and was thought  to drive away evil spirits. 
              In New Testament times it ranked alongside precious stones as a valuable commodity. The three Kings brought Frankincense as one of the gifts for baby Jesus. It is a handsome small shrub with abundant pinnate leaves and white or pink flowers and a wonderful fragrance. The gum resin is collected by making incisions into the bark. A milky white liquid appears which then solidifies into tear shaped amber drops.
              • Reduces feelings of anxiety.
              • Stimulate the immune system and diminish signs of aging.
              • Used in aromatherapy its sedative and comforting fragrance is believed to strengthen and invigorate the respiratory system.


                Origin: Although the herb from which this oil is extracted is a native of South Africa, an ancient British herb called Robert (Geranium robertianum) was the original source. Hence Geranium dates back to the earliest British herbal folk traditions. The plant has been described as being under the influence of Venus, though it is of a less feminine character than Rose.
                It is important, however, not to confuse it with the familiar brightly coloured suburban variety whose proper name is actually perlargoniums of which there are over 700 varieties. The one used for essential oil is a perennial hairy shrub with pointed leaves, serrated edges and small pink flowers. The whole plant is aromatic and the oil is extracted by steam-distillation. This oil is a joy to use, it mixes in delightful ways with other oils often creating almost a spiritual back drop.
                • Helps with skin problems including acne, bruises, dermatitis, eczema, oily complexions, congested skin and mature skin.  
                • Generally considered useful in the treatment of cellulitis.


                Origin: Ginger, like so many of the spices is a native of Asia. It grew originally in India and China and made its way to Europe via the “Spice Route” in the Middle Ages. The Spaniards introduced it to South America. It has been recorded that women in Senegal weave belts of pounded Ginger to revive their husbands flagging sexual prowess but this may not be a fashion that European men would take to so enthusiastically!
                It is well used by the cosmetic industry as a fragrance component. Many food companies use it and it can be found in soft and alcoholic beverages.
                The ginger plant is an erect perennial herb which grows up to 1 metre high with a thick, tuberous root. Every year it grows a green reed-like stalk with narrow leaves and white or yellow flowers. The essential oil is produced form the root by steam distillation.
                • Used in traditional medicine to ease pain and reduce inflammation.
                • Analgesic nature reduces feelings of pain associated with arthritis, rheumatism, sore muscles, headaches and migraine. 
                • Promotes circulation and inhaling the aroma aids relaxation.  Used in aromatherapy applications Ginger Oil is stimulating and warming. 
                • It can enhance concentration and soothe and reduce feelings of stress, sadness, anxiety, lethargy, agitation, dizziness, and fatigue.


                  Origin: Grapefruit is a Hybrid between Citrus maxima and Citrus
                  sinensis. There are many different varieties grown in different parts of the world and not much is known about its origins or how it came to be used in aromatherapy.

                  It has varied uses including helping to eliminate toxins and stimulating the lymph glands. It is good for helping certain skin conditions and is valuable in helping treat obesity. However its major functions are as an antidepressant as its smell can brighten any dull day.
                  • Enhancing energy, helps to manage stressful and anxious feelings.
                  • Assists with feelings of discomfort experienced from stiffness and aches.
                  • Boosts circulation thus detoxifiying & stimulating the system.
                  • Tones the skin and reduce aches and pains.

                  Jasmine Dilute (5%)

                  Origin: Where Rose is known as the Queen of oils, Jasmine is considered as the King of all oils and like Rose Jasmine is very expensive as it takes an enormous quantity of flowers to produce a relatively small amount of oil. In the case of Jasmine the flowers have to be gathered at night also increasing the labour costs. Many of the qualities of these two oils overlap and it is much associated with warming properties as well as the emotional and sexual areas. 
                  • Can act as a powerful anti depressant and can combat tension, anxiety, fear, nervous exhaustion or any stress related illness. 
                  • With warming properties it is good for muscular spasms and sprains.
                  • Good for both dry & irritated skin and combatting oiliness.(Use in small quantities on face).


                    Origin: Juniper is a small tree, which belongs to the Cupressus family, and has needle like leaves and berries which are first blue but then turn black after two years when they are thought to be ripe. Oil can be distilled from either the berries or a combination of berries and twigs.

                    The Juniper distilled purely from the berries is called Juniper berry whilst the combination of both twig and berry bares the name Juniper. It has been known since antiquity as an antiseptic and also as an aid to protect from infection. Indeed it was burnt with Rosemary in French hospital wards until relatively recently for this very purpose.
                    • Aid in treating skin conditions such as acne, eczema and oily skin. 
                    • Helps with toxins in the body and general feelings of tiredness and sluggishness.
                    • Can prevent fleas and tics in dogs and cats.


                    Origin: Lavender comes from the Roman word “lavare” meaning to “wash”. This reflects the fact that lavender was a favoured aromatic used in their daily bathing rituals. Although the Greeks burned lavender twigs to ward off plagues, it was the Romans who spread the popularity of this shrub throughout Europe. However it was Rene-Maurice Gattefosse’s observation of the dramatic healing effect of Lavender oil when he burnt his hand in a laboratory accident that led to him researching essential oils in greater depth.
                    It is a very common scent familiar to everyone and of all the oils it is the most versatile. Lavender comes from an evergreen woody shrub which grows about 1 metre tall and has spikes of a beautiful violet-blue. It has been continuously used for thousands of years and its popularity has only ever increased. It is capable of many jobs and wonderful to use. Lavender has a multitude of other uses which make it such a popular and indispensable oil.
                    • Contains phytonutrients effective in aiding muscle cramps.
                    • Provides relief from discomfort and joints pain.
                    • Aids insomnia or sleep related disorders. 
                    • Pain-relieving properties, & ability to reduce inflammation for burns, scalds, sunburn etc.  


                    Origin: Old English seamen discovered that scurvy could be kept at bay by including lemon juice in their diet. Following this discovery lemon oil became somewhat of a “cure-all” used to counter most infectious illnesses such as malaria and typhoid. The lemon tree itself is thought to have originated in India and the oil is produced by cold expression from the outer part of the fresh peel. It takes about 3,000 of them to produce a kilo of essential oil.
                    • Boosts energy and combats post work out exhaustion.
                    • Reputed to stimulate the immune system.
                    • Promotes lymphatic draining and fat loss and can aid your after-exercise detox.  Has haemostatic properties (i.e it can help to stop bleeding) assisting with cuts & abrasions.  


                    Origin: Lemongrass is native to Asia. The oil is extracted from the leaves of this fast growing grass by steam distillation. There are several varieties on the market (including East Indian and West Indian) although there is little difference in therapeutic effect between them. This sweet smelling grass was originally used in India to ward of infections and calm fevers. The dried leaves were burned to keep the mind alert.

                    • Supports the nervous system to combat symptoms of stress and anxiety.  Beneficial in the treatment of a variety of nervous disorders. 
                    • Anti-bacterial agent assisting with problems such as athletes foot & spots.
                    • When inhaled can ease breathing and act as an aid to a clear mind/alertness due to its refreshing lemon aroma.


                      Origin: It is native to southern Asia and is found in many tropical and subtropical areas of the world. It is cultivated mainly in Florida, the West Indies (Cuba), Central America (Mexico) and Italy. The lime fruit comes from a small evergreen tree with stiff sharp spines and small white flowers. It is a bitter fruit about half the size of a lemon and was often used in place of lemons with which it shares many qualities.
                      • Contains cleansing properties adding shine to the hair and balance the oil production on the scalp thus reducing dandruff.
                      • Can act as a tightening and toning astringent.
                      • Uplifts the mood and purifies the air.


                      Origin: A traditional culinary herb, also known as “Oregano”. Oregano derives from the Greek word meaning “joy of the mountains”. In Latin the name is derived from “major” meaning greater because it was thought in ancient times to confer longevity, hence a greater life span. The ancient Greek’s had a high regard for this oil using it in their fragrances, cosmetics and medicines. The oil is produced by steam-distillation from the leaves and flowering tops of this popular perennial herb.
                      • Effective in reducing pain associated with muscle spasms, muscle tightness and tension. 
                      • Positive benefits to the mind and body. 
                      • Beneficial to the digestive system.
                      • Reputed to alleviate high blood pressure due to its ability to dilate the arteries.

                      Melissa Blend

                      Origin: Otherwise known as Lemon Balm this is one of the earliest known medicinal herbs. Paracelsus called it the “Elixir of Life” and Gerarde said that “It makes the heart merry and joyful and strengthens the vital spirits. It was introduced to this country at a very early date, probably by the Romans and could always be found in cottage gardens. All the parts of the plant yield essential oil which has a very strong scent of lemon. This Melissa Blend is a combination of oils which mimic the aromatic properties of Melissa such as Lemongrass or Litsea Cubeba.

                      • It has sedative and anti-depressant qualities. 
                      • Provides relief to insect bites. 
                      • Assists in the treatment of eczema and other skin conditions. 


                      Origin: Myrrh is a resin which is produced by a small, tough tree which grows in semi-desert areas. The trees belong to the same botanical group as Frankincense which is probably one reason why so many people associate them. The name Myrrh comes from the Arabic “murr” which means bitter.

                      • Highly valued for its healing properties especially for wounds which are slow to heal and weeping sores.  
                      • Assists with chest infections, catarrh, colds, sore throats and bronchitis. 

                      Neroli Dilute (5%)

                      Origin: Neroli oil is also known as orange blossom oil and was originally used by the Romans. In 1680 Anna Maria Orsini, Princess of Nerola used it as her favourite perfume and from this time on the oil became known as Neroli. Orange flowers have many folk associations. One is that they were used in bridal beds to calm nervous apprehension before the couple retired to bed.

                      Neroli comes from the white blossoms of the bitter orange tree which originated in China. It is extremely expensive to produce since it takes over a ton of blossom to make one kilo of pure oil. To add to the expense the blossom must be picked by hand just as it opens!

                      • Moisturises dry and sensitive skin when mixed with cream or oil. 
                      • Antispasmodic properties used to treat symptoms such as tummy pain and cramps.
                      • Has been used as an anti-depressant and with problems of an emotional nature due to its anti-stress properties. 
                      • Assists with alleviation of nervous tension and is reputed to act as a gentle sedative. 


                        Origin: Although native to the Moluccas and nearby islands it can be found been cultivated in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the West Indies.  The essential oil is also distilled in the USA and Europe from imported nutmegs. Nutmeg is the kernel from the fruit of a tree native to India, Java and Sumatra, and is also grown in the West Indies. The outer layer of the same fruit also yields the spice, Mace. The oil is extracted by steam distillation from the dried nutmeg seed. Mixed with clove and orange oils it virtually reproduces the perfume of traditional pomanders which have been used for centuries to fragrance rooms and ward off infection. 
                        • Can be used for the following arthritis, gout, muscular aches and pains, poor circulation and rheumatism. 
                        • Reputedly good for frigidity, impotence, neuralgia and nervous fatigue. 


                        Origin: The orange tree was originally a native of the Far East, particularly China and India. It was considered to be both rare and expensive and it is quite probable that the legendary golden apples in the Garden of the Hesperides were in fact, oranges. The properties of orange overlap to a great extent with those of Neroli (derived from the orange blossom) and it can be used as an antidepressant, antispasmodic and to fragrance many pharmaceutical products. The essential oil is extracted by pressure from the outer parts of the peel and often both bitter and sweet oranges are used in this process.
                        • Used to uplifting whilst simultaneously relaxing & calming to help reduce pulse rate. 
                        • Can also stimulate the strength and resilience of the immune system and eliminate airborne bacteria.  
                        • Used to combat insomnia. 
                        • Dilute with a base oil to act as a livening agent for dull and oily complexions.

                          Parsley Leaf

                          Origin: This oil is a native of Greece where from very early times it was recognized as a medicinal herb. Greek and Roman physicians recommended Parsley Seed for kidney and bladder disorders. The essential oil has been around since the sixteenth century and was also used for treating digestive problems and fevers.
                          • Reputed to assist in treating digestive problems, cleanse the liver & UTIs. 
                          • Widely used to improve bone health, protect against osteoporosis and boost the immune system.  


                            Origin: Patchouli is used extensively in the Far East to scent linen and clothes as well as prevent the spread of disease. Possibly used originally as an antidote to poisonous snake bites, further uses have been discovered over the centuries including treatment of headaches. An amber or dark orange viscous liquid with a sweet, rich, herbaceous, earthy odour, it is extracted from a perennial herb of the same name. It is a bushy plant and a member of the same family as many of the Mediterranean herbs such as Basil, Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary etc. However, it is unlike them in its appearance, habitat and medicinal properties and indeed has more of an animal than plant quality to it. Like wine, this oil actually improves with age and used in small proportions it can have an almost oriental quality.
                            • Used as an inhalant the oil reputedly stimulates the production of serotonin and dopamine, the feel-good hormones to help eliminate feelings of anxiety and anger, reduce stress and contribute to a sense of overall well-being. 
                            • Used in the treatment of skin disorders and general skincare. 
                            • It is an anti-inflammatory and has antiseptic properties.


                            Origin: The Egyptians used this herb to flavour their wine and food. Also used by the ancient Chinese and American Indians it is difficult to trace its exact origin, but it has been found to have been used in many diverse cultures.
                            In Egypt evidence of peppermint has been found in tombs dating back as far as 1000 BC. Peppermint is a perennial herb whose leaves are shorter and broader than spearmint with larger spikes of purple flower. It is a British classic, although it is in fact found throughout the world. The almost colourless oil is distilled from the whole of the partially dried plant and has a powerful, refreshing fragrance. Peppermint is native to Europe although the USA now produces more essential oil than any other country. English plants are said to produce the best quality although it is cultivated worldwide.

                            • Uplifting and stimulating, it is believed to increase concentration, enhance memory and boost the mood. 
                            • It has a mildly antiseptic quality which can be used to cleanse and decongest the skin. 
                            • Useful as an inhalant to clear nasal passages & sinuses and provide relief from head colds, catarhh & bronchitis.  


                            Origin: Petitgrain is obtained from the bitterest of the orange tree family from which Neroli oil is also obtained so there is some
                            resemblance between these two oils. However Petitgrain is distilled from the leaves and sometimes the tiny tips of the young twigs. However in earlier centuries it was extracted from unripe oranges, which were collected when they were still green and very small. This is where the name of “Petit” grain comes from.

                            • Petitgrain is useful for combatting feelings of depression, low esteem, fatigue and lack of energy.  
                            • It can help with oily skin reducing redness, calming acne breakouts, and soothing blemishes.
                            • It is an effective antiseptic. 
                            • Useful in the washing of hair to combat both grease and dandruff.


                            Origin: It is very important to know the source of the Pine which you are using as some oils from certain Pine trees are considered as hazardous. The best quality Pine oil is considered to come from as far north as possible.
                            The oil is produced by dry distillation of the needles and sometimes the young twigs and cones. The essential oil is very pale yellow with a strong aroma.

                            • Positively impacts the mood by clearing the mind of stresses, energizing the body to help eliminate fatigue, enhancing concentration, and promoting a positive outlook.
                            • Acts as an expectorant assisting in clearing the sinuses and nasal passages.


                            Origin: Ravensara aromatica is a tall forest tree and a member of the laurel family. It is native to Madagascar and the local people have used the bark, leaves and fruit, rich in essential oils, as medicine since the early times. The French scientist Baume distilled an oil from the bark during the 18th century but it has only really come into aromatherapy use since the 1980’s. 
                            • Known to assist with respiratory ailments such as coughs, colds, flu, asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis.
                            • Aromatherapy specialists have recommend its use for chronic anxiety, mild depression, restlessness and insomnia to create a sense of positivity.
                            • Excellent treatment for athlete's foot.
                            • Widely used for muscle and joints pain. 

                            Rose Dilute (5%)

                            Origin: The rose was probably the first flower from which an essential oil was distilled in tenth century Persia. An eminent Arabian physician is credited with having distilled the first Rose oil. It was considered that red and white roses were used in different stages of the process but these days rose essential oil is not produced by distillation but by solvent extraction. A huge quantity of Rose petals are needed to extract a tiny amount of oil and this is reflected in it’s high price. Rose is often referred to as the Queen of all essential oils.
                            • Valuable for ageing and dry skins with it moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and repairing properties
                            • With regular use can reduce the appearance of thread veins.
                            • Aphrodisiac qualities to enhance sexuality
                            • Reputed to produce feelings of well-being and even happiness.  


                            Origin: Regarded as sacred by many early civilisations, rosemary was one of the earliest plants to be used for food, medicine and magic. Sprigs of rosemary were burned at shrines in ancient Greece, where it was revered as a symbol of love and death. Right up until the Middle Ages it was believed to drive away evil
                            spirits. The practice of burning Rosemary in hospital wards in France persisted into the 20th century and ironically was abandoned at about the time when modern research proved its strong antiseptic properties. An evergreen shrub, originally a native of the Mediterranean region, it grows to about 2 metres. It has grey-green leaves and pale, pastel blue flowers. The clear oil is steam-distilled from the flowers and leaves and has a powerful, warm, woody aroma.

                            • The rosmarinic acid has pain-killing and anti-inflammatory effects.
                            • Helps reduce fluid build-up in joints and beneficial for tired, stiff and overworked muscles. 
                            • Valuable as an inhalant for respiratory problems such as the common cold and asthma in addition to treating blocked sinuses and nasal passages. 


                              Origin: Rosewood comes from trees that are native to the Amazon basin. It has mainly been obtained from wild trees in the past but due to the concerns about the rainforest there are now cultivated plantations where logging is controlled. The heavy wood is mainly transported by river and only during the seasons when the logs can be floated with the current between April and July. The essential oil is then extracted by steam distillation from the wood chippings.

                              • Long been used to promote mental clarity, tranquillity and to treat stress, anxiety & depression. 
                              • May assist in the treatment of acne due to it's antiseptic and antibacterial qualities. 
                              • Can be used as a natural deodorant.


                              Origin: Sage Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the Salvia officinalis herb, also referred to as Common Sage, True Sage, Garden Sage, and Dalmatian Sage. Sage originated in the Mediterranean and is a herb of ancient repute.  It was considered to be a sacred herb by the Romans as they considered it could save people from illness and even death and was also believed to strengthen the senses and the memory. In the Middle Ages, Sage earned the nickname “Sage the Savior” for its various treasured properties. The Lakota Indians nicknamed it “master herb due to its cleansing and nerve tonic propertiesIt is produced by a small evergreen shrub which grows about 80 cm high and has a mass of deep blue or violet flowers.

                              • Considered to be good for respiratory infections (when used as part of
                              • Assist with aching muscles and joints.
                              • Been known to have mentally stimulating and clarifying properties easing negative moods.
                              • Can combatting bacterial infections and calm skin conditions such as Dermatitis and Athlete's Foot. 
                              • Provides relief to minor skin abrasions, the appearance of blemishes, addressing stretchmarks, sores, and swelling and soothes dryness.


                              Origin: This is one of the most ancient of all oils with documented use which stretches back some 4000 years. Its uses vary from incense to perfume to embalming material. The Chinese have used it for medicinal purposes since the earliest times and in India it was (and still is) mixed with rose oil to make the exotic scent aytar. For centuries, the dry, woody aroma of the sandalwood tree has been used for religious rituals, meditation, and even for ancient Egyptian embalming purposes. The tree itself is a small parasitic evergreen which obtains its nourishment by attaching its suckers to the roots of other trees. It has slender branches and leathery leaves. The tree must be at least thirty years old before the oil can be extracted from the heartwood and roots. The oil is extracted by water or steam distillation from the Sandalwood tree.

                              • Relaxant and sedative to promote a sense of peace and clarity as well as enhance the mood.
                              • Moisturising and cleansing properties reduce inflammation and irritation.
                              • Complexion balancing particularly with acne, psoriasis and eczema
                              • Particularly effective in treating coughs.
                              • Reputed to fight viral infections which initially cause the common cold and flu. 


                              Origin: Believed to be the oldest plant of the mint family Spearmint has long been valued as a culinary herb throughout the world. However it was used by the ancient Greeks as a restorative and to scent their bath water. Although it was originally native to the Mediterranean it is now common throughout Europe, western Asia and the Middle East. It was introduced to the USA where it became very popular. It is mainly produced in Midwest USA, Hungary, Spain, Russia, China and former Yugoslavia.

                              • Relaxant and sedative to promote a sense of peace and clarity as well as enhance the mood.
                              • Moisturising and cleansing properties reduce inflammation and irritation.
                              • Complexion balancing particularly with acne, psoriasis and eczema
                              • Particularly effective in treating coughs.
                              • Reputed to fight viral infections which initially cause the common cold and flu. 


                              Origin: Tangerine is a popular citrus essential oil originating in China thousands of years ago and is still regularly used in Chinese culture and herbal health practices. The first tangerines then arrived into port in Tangier in Morocco before being introduced into Europe in the 1800s and then America who are now a larger producer of the oil. 
                              •  As a skin care product it can be effective  against acne, congested and oily skin, scars, spots and stretch marks. 
                              • It can be used to help with insomnia, nervous tension, and restlessness. 
                              • A few drops in the bath can help to increase circulation and pep up spirits given its enervating fragrance.

                                Tea Tree

                                Origin: Tea Tree Oil is a relatively modern discovery by essential oil standards, having been used by the aboriginal people of Australia for only the past five or six hundred years. Originally used as an antidote to venomous snake bites, they also found it a good treatment for sunburn and almost any type of fungal infection. The name unsurprisingly is derived from a type of aboriginal tea made from the leaves, although the aroma is as far removed from PG Tips as monkeys are from humans!
                                Originally derided by the medical world, it is now taken very seriously and is the subject of a great deal of international research. This is testimony to the incredible properties of this oil; for example the antiseptic action of Tea Tree is thought to be one hundred times more powerful than carbolic acid, and yet it is non-poisonous to humans! It produces white, hanging flowers on a long spike, but the oil is extracted by water or steam distillation from the leaves and twigs.

                                • Regular used as a sanitiser, its anti-sceptic nature makes it an ideal all-purpose cleaning product. 
                                • Can sooth skin inflammation and the overall severity of acne.
                                • Antifungal properties can assist in the treatment of conditions such as athletes foot and nail fungus.
                                • Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial attributes can be useful against scalp complaints like psoriasis and dandruff.


                                Origin: The word thyme derives from the Greek word ‘thymos’ meaning ‘perfume’, denoting the rich fragrance of the plant, it is one of of the earliest medicinal plants in Western herbal medicine. The Ancient Egyptians used thyme part of the embalming and mummification process whilst Medieval herbalists revered thyme for its ability to ward off evil spirits and bad dreams. It was often been used under pillows to promote a calm, deep sleep. Thyme is native to Spain and the Mediterranean region and is now found throughout Asia Minor, Algeria, Turkey, Tunisia, Israel the USA, Russia, China and central Europe.


                                • Useful in treating many skin complaints such as acne, inflamed conditions, boils, oily skin and dandruff. 
                                • Antispasmodic properties and potentially assist with respiratory conditions such as coughs and the common cold.
                                • May be an effective anti-inflammatory agent due to its cardioprotective capabilities.
                                • Powerful nutrients which have the potential to improve blood circulation to the scalp to encourage hair follicle growth. 

                                Yarrow Dilute (10%)

                                Origin: This is an age old herbal medicine which is said to go back to the times of Achilles who used it for injuries inflicted by iron weapons. The stalks are said to have been used for divination in the I Ching - the Chinese classic. Yarrow is a perennial herb which grows about 1 metre high and bears numerous
                                pinky-white dense flower heads surrounded by finely dissected leaves giving a lacy appearance. Yarrow is native to Eurasia but is now found in temperate zones. The oil is mainly distilled in Germany, Hungary, France, former Yugoslavia, the USA and Africa.

                                • Reputed to reduce stress and is particularly applicable for hypertension and insomnia. 
                                • Well known for its soothing effects and can be used for a variety of skin problems such as acne, rashes and wounds. 
                                • Can be used to soothe rheumatic pain and other joint discomforts.

                                  Ylang Ylang

                                  Origin: The name Ylang Ylang means “flower of flowers” in the local dialect. The best oil of all is obtained from flowers picked in early summer and early in the morning. Ylang Ylang has ancient traditions as do many essential oil and in Indonesia, the flowers were spread on the beds of newly married couples.
                                  In the Victorian age the oil was used to soothe insect bites and as a hair treatment A tall tropical tree which grows up to 20 meters high, with large, tender fragrant flowers. Strangely the flowers can be (on the same tree) yellow, pink or mauve, but only the yellow flowers are considered good enough for the extraction of oil.


                                  • Used for its harmonising, relaxing and sedative properties.
                                  • Reputedly helps to calm the effects of stress, anxiety and anguish. 
                                  • Suitable for both oily and dry skin as it has a balancing action on the secretion of sebum. 
                                  • May have potential to slow down over-rapid breathing and over-rapid heartbeat which may assist with high blood pressure.   
                                  • Well known for its aphrodisiac qualities. 



                                  Our website is not intended to offer professional medical advice or treatment for any condition. You should not use our site or advice within to treat health conditions or to self-diagnose. We recommend that you consult your GP or nurse if you have any health concerns whatsoever.

                                  All of our advice has been provided on the basis that there are no known contra-indications to treatment. If you have any health problems or are taking any medication you should seek advice from your healthcare provider prior to using aromatherapy. We would also advise that you make an appointment with a local aromatherapist who will be able to take a full case history and offer you tailored treatment advice.

                                  Please note that Regent House accepts no liability for misuse of essential oils or other products or for any reliance on the information provided by us via our website or other social media channels