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- Lavender fragrance oil - boxed | wholesale supplier - orders from £50

This world-renowned scent needs little introduction. Its unmistakable fragrance has long been associated with relaxation and calmness and it is believed to aid sleep. It is frequently found in traditional cottage-industry products such as drawer liners, scented sachets and coat hangers and flowering beautifully in garden borders or on hillsides of southern France.
Product Description
- 12x10ml bottles
- Fragrance oil diluted for burning
- Choose either flip-top display box or poly-bag (suitable if you have your own display rack or one of our display stands)
- Price per unit £0.66 bag/£0.68 box
- RRP per unit £1.60-£1.65
How to Use Product
- Place as much water in well of burner as possible
- Add a few drops of oil
- Light tealight beneath to gradually release the scent
- Keep water topped up - do not allow to burn dry
- When the most of the product has evaporated replace as above
- Can be added to water in an electric diffuser
- Suitable to refresh the scent of pot-pourri or dried flowers